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Chinese-Standard-Mahjong (国标麻将·复式) - Game Detail


Chinese Standard Mahjong


  1. Click to navigate to homepage of IJCAI 2020 Mahjong AI Competition.
  2. Click to register in IJCAI 2020 Mahjong AI Competition.
  3. Click to Github repository for more details of compile.
  4. Cilck to navigate to wiki page for Game Rules and Sample AI: Chinese Standard Mahjong.
  5. The Game supports HvH (Human vs Human) / HvC (Human vs Computer) / CvC (Computer vs Computer).


  1. IJCAI 2020麻将AI比赛 主页详情
  2. IJCAI 2020麻将AI比赛 小组报名
  3. 访问Github查看更多。
  4. 游戏规则与样例程序请前往Botzone维基页面查看:国标麻将
  5. 提示:该游戏支持人人/人机/机机对战。
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