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Here you can find all matches liked by everyone on Botzone, ordered by number of likes. Please note that for performance reasons, you may not specify a certain page number directly (even if you do so, that won't work).

Match list ranked by like - page 1

Create time Game Status Players Replay Like count
2021-3-6 17:42:00 Reversi Finished Replay 10
2016-5-3 21:47:55 Pacman Finished Replay 10
2021-6-8 16:05:28 FightTheLandlord2 Finished Replay 9
2015-5-27 20:01:10 Snake Finished Replay 8
2016-5-4 10:31:22 VideoPlayer Finished Replay 7
2019-5-22 15:07:27 Tank2 Finished Replay 6
2018-4-26 11:18:50 FightTheLandlord Finished
Replay 6
2015-9-23 14:51:28 Minesweeper Finished Replay 6
2016-4-25 15:07:02 Pacman Finished Replay 5
2014-9-8 0:59:41 Reversi Finished Replay 5
2019-4-22 23:55:22 Tank Finished
Replay 4
2017-6-4 23:03:32 VideoPlayer Finished Replay 4
2016-11-5 12:48:44 Ataxx Finished Replay 4
2016-9-15 14:36:32 Gomoku Finished Replay 4
2016-5-17 0:33:25 Pacman Finished Replay 4
2024-4-26 8:20:13 VideoPlayer Finished Replay 3
2018-12-28 15:35:21 Amazons Finished Replay 3
2018-7-18 9:55:38 Gomoku Finished Replay 3
2018-6-7 11:01:31 Go Finished Replay 3
2016-11-5 12:14:11 Ataxx Finished Replay 3